Natalie’s Story

Natalie and Tyler had been in a relationship for two short months when Natalie took two home pregnancy tests that were positive. At the time, Natalie was a 20 year-old college student living with her parents, and Tyler had a stable job with a construction company.

Because the pregnancy was unplanned, Natalie was understandably scared, and she felt guilty about her lack of excitement regarding the pregnancy. Through tears of brokenness, she shared multiple times that she feared her parents’ rejection, and that they would be angry enough to remove her from their insurance coverage. Tyler supported Natalie’s intention to carry and parent; however, he would also have supported her had she decided to abort.


Because Natalie identified herself as a Christian, our client advocate assured her that God had promised to be with her and help her in her time of need. She further encouraged Natalie by reminding her that God had a plan for her life, her baby’s life, and Tyler’s life. Based on our nurse’s assessment of Natalie’s medical history, it was determined that we should schedule her to return for an ultrasound in three weeks. Tyler accompanied Natalie for the ultrasound. By that time, they had broken the news to Tyler’s parents.

They planned to utilize the ultrasound pictures to share the news with Natalie’s parents. Though she delayed getting into care a few weeks, Natalie did take the prenatal vitamins she received from CareNet Owensboro. Several weeks passed before we heard from Natalie again. She contacted us to advise that she wished to participate in our Equip program. Due to the pandemic, the lessons had necessarily been moved to an electronic only format.

With few exceptions, Natalie faithfully completed her weekly lessons. She was one of a handful of clients who did the entire program remotely. Natalie gave birth in late summer. By participating in the Equip program, she had earned more than 600 diapers, 20 packages of baby wipes, and many other baby care items; she had planned well and worked hard. Natalie’s parents did not reject her; they did not kick her out of their house nor did they remove her from their insurance…and they are crazy about their grandson! Natalie and Tyler are engaged to be married.