
As a Christ-centered ministry, Care Net Owensboro believes that every human life begins at conception, is created in the image of God, is valuable, and worth fighting for. We seek to engage and inform women and men considering abortion through medical services, education, and community outreach. We offer Gospel-centered hope, help, truth, and
compassion in order to empower them to choose life and commit to sexual purity.


 About Us

Care Net Owensboro is a pregnancy resource center. The services we offer are; free and confidential pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STI testing and treatment. We also offer prenatal education and material assistance through our Equip program. Through our Student Engagement program we offer truthful and relevant, life-giving information to a youth culture immersed in promiscuity and instant gratification.


For more information on our services go to our clinic website by clicking the button below.